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Writer's pictureIk Ben Rachelle

E.03- The Disappearing Necklace (Completamente en Inglés)


The Disappearing Necklace. It was a warm summer evening when Sarah, a young detective, received a mysterious phone call. The voice on the other end was hushed and trembling. It was Mrs. Harrington, a wealthy widow who lived in the grand mansion of Willow street. "Detective you must come quickly," Mrs. Harrington pleaded.

My precious diamond necklace has vanished. Sarah rushed to Willow Street where Mrs. Harrington welcomed her with tears in her eyes. She explained that the necklace, an heirloom passed down for generations, had been locked in a secure jewelry box in her bedroom. There were no signs of a break in. And the room had remained, locked all day.

Sarah began her investigation by questioning the household staff, including the Butler, the maid and the gardener. No one had seen anything unusual. She inspected the jewelry box, but it showed no signs of tampering. The room's windows were locked, and the door was still bolted from the inside.

Puzzled, Sarah decided to dust for fingerprints, hoping to find a clue. In her surprise, she discovered a single set of fingerprints on the jewelry box's glass surface. Mrs. Harrington's. Mrs. Harrington was shocked when she saw the evidence. She had no memory of opening the jewelry box that day. Let alone taking the necklace. Sarah asked her to retrace her steps.

As they walked through the mansion. Sarah noticed a portrait of Mrs. Harrington's late husband wearing the same diamond necklace. She had always been adamant about keeping it locked away as a cherished heirloom, but the grief of losing her husband had taken a toll on her memory.

Suddenly Sarah had an idea. She asked Mrs. Harrington to wear her late husband's favorite dress, one she hadn't worn since his passing. As Mrs. Harrington, put it on. Sarah noticed a loose thread near the collar. She gently pulled it, revealing a hidden pocket. Inside the pocket was the missing diamond necklace.

Mrs. Harrington was overcome with emotion, realizing that in her grief, she had hidden the necklace herself. Not remembering the act due to stress and sadness she had experienced. The mystery was solved and the heirloom was returned to its rightful place. With a grateful smile, Mrs. Harrington thanked detective Sarah for her keen observation and careful investigation, and Willow Street once again enjoyed it's peace.


The Story with Spanish Translation:

The Disappearing Necklace El Collar Desaparecido It was a warm summer evening when Sarah, a young detective, received a mysterious phone call. The voice on the other end was hushed and trembling. It was Mrs. Harrington, a wealthy widow who lived in the grand mansion on Willow Street. -Era una cálida tarde de verano cuando Sarah, una joven detective, recibió una misteriosa llamada telefónica. La voz al otro lado estaba susurrando y temblorosa. Era la Sra. Harrington, una viuda adinerada que vivía en la gran mansión en la Calle Willow. "Detective, you must come quickly," Mrs. Harrington pleaded. "My precious diamond necklace has vanished!" -"Detective, debes venir rápidamente", suplicó la Sra. Harrington. "¡Mi precioso collar de diamantes ha desaparecido!"

Sarah rushed to Willow Street, where Mrs. Harrington welcomed her with tears in her eyes. She explained that the necklace, an heirloom passed down for generations, had been locked in a secure jewelry box in her bedroom. There were no signs of a break-in, and the room had remained locked all day. -Sarah se apresuró a la Calle Willow, donde la Sra. Harrington la recibió con lágrimas en los ojos. Explicó que el collar, una reliquia transmitida por generaciones, había estado guardado en una caja de joyas segura en su habitación. No había señales de un allanamiento y la habitación había estado cerrada con llave todo el día. Sarah began her investigation by questioning the household staff, including the butler, the maid, and the gardener. No one had seen anything unusual. She inspected the jewelry box, but it showed no signs of tampering. The room's windows were locked, and the door was still bolted from the inside. -Sarah comenzó su investigación interrogando al personal de la casa, incluyendo al mayordomo, la criada y el jardinero. Nadie había visto algo inusual. Inspeccionó la caja de joyas, pero no mostraba signos de manipulación. Las ventanas de la habitación estaban cerradas con llave y la puerta seguía atrancada desde el interior.

Puzzled, Sarah decided to dust for fingerprints, hoping to find a clue. To her surprise, she discovered a single set of fingerprints on the jewelry box's glass surface – Mrs. Harrington's. -Desconcertada, Sarah decidió buscar huellas dactilares, esperando encontrar una pista. Para su sorpresa, descubrió un solo conjunto de huellas dactilares en la superficie de vidrio de la caja de joyas, pertenecientes a la Sra. Harrington.

Mrs. Harrington was shocked when she saw the evidence. She had no memory of opening the jewelry box that day, let alone taking the necklace. Sarah asked her to retrace her steps. -La Sra. Harrington quedó conmocionada al ver la evidencia. No tenía memoria de haber abierto la caja de joyas ese día, y mucho menos de tomar el collar. Sarah le pidió que repitiera sus pasos.

As they walked through the mansion, Sarah noticed a portrait of Mrs. Harrington's late husband, wearing the same diamond necklace. She had always been adamant about keeping it locked away as a cherished heirloom, but the grief of losing her husband had taken a toll on her memory. -Mientras recorrían la mansión, Sarah notó un retrato del difunto esposo de la Sra. Harrington, luciendo el mismo collar de diamantes. Siempre había insistido en mantenerlo guardado como un querido legado, pero el dolor de perder a su esposo había afectado su memoria.

Suddenly, Sarah had an idea. She asked Mrs. Harrington to wear her late husband's favorite dress, one she hadn't worn since his passing. As Mrs. Harrington put it on, Sarah noticed a loose thread near the collar. She gently pulled it, revealing a hidden pocket. -De repente, a Sarah se le ocurrió una idea. Le pidió a la Sra. Harrington que se pusiera el vestido favorito de su difunto esposo, uno que no había usado desde su fallecimiento. Mientras la Sra. Harrington se lo ponía, Sarah notó un hilo suelto cerca del cuello. Lo tiró suavemente, revelando un bolsillo oculto.

Inside the pocket was the missing diamond necklace. -Dentro del bolsillo estaba el collar de diamantes desaparecido.

Mrs. Harrington was overcome with emotion, realizing that in her grief, she had hidden the necklace herself, not remembering the act due to the stress and sadness she had experienced. The mystery was solved, and the heirloom was returned to its rightful place. -La Sra. Harrington se sintió abrumada por la emoción al darse cuenta de que, en su dolor, ella misma había escondido el collar, sin recordar el acto debido al estrés y la tristeza que había experimentado. El misterio se resolvió y la reliquia volvió a su lugar legítimo.

With a grateful smile, Mrs. Harrington thanked Detective Sarah for her keen observation and careful investigation, and Willow Street once again enjoyed its peace." -Con una sonrisa agradecida, la Sra. Harrington agradeció a la Detective Sarah por su aguda observación y minuciosa investigación, y la Calle Willow volvió a disfrutar de su paz."

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